Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Pathfinding A* on an 8-bit hardware


During the last entire year, I was working on a study of old 8-bit technologies.
For the sake of this study, I worked on the development of an A* pathfinding algorithm using C on the ColecoVision processor (the Z80). The challenge of this project was to put such a complex algorithm on 1kB of RAM.
This project brings me a certain mastery of the C language especially in optimization. For example, replacing arrays by just several bits and manage them using bitshifting in C.
To give a simple explanation, the main optimisation of the project was that the map was divided in a grid of nodes, each node has all his attributes on 2 bytes, as shown on the image below:

Thanks to this solution, I could save a lot of memory and I manage to run this pathifinding algorithm on this hardware.
I also managed to realize some tests using the Assembly language to compare the performances of the two programs. Unfortunately, I didn't had enough time to finish this project. Nevertehless, I had enough resources to complete my study.

I'm a Game Programming student at Rubika in Master's degree. Work on several Videogame related project reinforce my love for gaming and programming. I would like to work as a Gameplay Programmer mainly on Systems and Gameplay AIs or as a Tools Programmer

I'm aware that it can be not easy to work in this industry with the amount of work and pressure that can be important. Nevertheless I'm deeply motivated in order to fulfill my career objectives.

I'm currently looking for an 4 to 6 months intership starting in July


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